Way of Love: Learn, Week Two

These weekly posts explore how we are both introducing and living into the Way of Love in our Adult Christian Formation offering. My hope is to provide accessible experiments to live more into this way of following Jesus. This week’s slideshow Goal: We will be able to answer, reflect, and experiment with different postures towardContinue reading “Way of Love: Learn, Week Two”

Way of Love: Learn, Week One

These weekly posts explore how we are both introducing and living into the Way of Love in our Adult Christian Formation offering. My hope is to provide accessible experiments to live more into this way of following Jesus. Slideshow Opening Learning from the Christian scriptures can be seen as improvising faithfully from what we knowContinue reading “Way of Love: Learn, Week One”

Way of Love: Introduction

This academic year, our congregation is experimenting with how to live The Way of Love, a Rule of Life introduced to the Episcopal Church by our Presiding Bishop, for one of our options for weekly Adult Christian Formation time. Each week, I will update this space with how we are living out a particular topic.Continue reading “Way of Love: Introduction”